- 头目 ringleader
- 首级 chopped-off head
- 黑社会头目 gangleader
- 悬赏首级 set a price on sb.'s head; offer a reward for sb.'s head
- 首级叶轮 severed head impeller
- 叛乱头目众叛亲离。 The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.
- 首级控制 Programme control
- 古代解决争端的办法是从双方各选一名头目,让他们一决雄雌。 The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out.
- 首级症状 First rank symptom
- 首级控制网 first class control network
- 那帮派头目无论到哪儿都带着他的一群打手。 The gang boss brings his gorillas with him everywhere he goes.
- 首级施工控制网 first construction control network
- 别惹那头目,你会自找麻烦的。 Don't ask for trouble by offending the cock of the roost.
- 矿区首级控制网 superior control network in mining area
- 小头目 subchief
- 首级高程控制网 Severed head elevation control network
- 清头目 refresh oneself
- 厂坝首级施工控制测量 First Construction Level Control Measure in Dam and Powerhouse
- 很多人认为,那个敌方的老头目在城堡里被禁得太久了。 Many people think that the old enemy leader has been incarcerated in his castle prison for too many years.
- 上海市首级控制网改造 Rebuilding of the First-order Control Network for Shanghai City