- 他必须适应,必须首尾一贯,但这种“必须”并不是片面的。 The necessity that he shall conform, that he shall cohere, is not one-sided
- 一贯 consistent
- 一贯的政策 consistent policy
- 始终一贯的 consecutive
- 系住首尾 make fast fore and aft
- 一贯地 consistently
- 抛首尾锚 Anchoring by the head and stern
- 一贯的 consistent(with)
- 首尾句 the first and last sentences
- 他一贯玩忽职守。 He has shown a persistent neglect of duty.
- 首尾相接 head-tail connecting
- 一贯性 coherency
- 解掉首尾缆 Let go fore and aft
- 首尾呼应 the beginning echoes with the end
- 他打破了平时一贯沉默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。 He broke out of his normal reticence and told me the whole story.
- 首尾排序 Sorting from head and rear
- 他过去一贯沽名钓誉。 He used to angle for prestige.
- 把短的一条像这样,织成花蕊,其它三条一样,注意首尾连接。 Knit the shortest one, make the pistil. Do this again with the other three pieces. Pay attention to the front and the back.
- 他一贯刚愎自用,性情乖戾。 He is always self-willed and disagreeable.
- 首尾一致率 side sameness