- 他说话的时候不加思索,随意发挥,而且风姿潇洒,娓娓动听,所以大家都很喜欢听他说话。 All he said was so free from effort and spontaneous and was said with such a captivating gaiety, that it was fascinating to hear him talk.
- 他说话的时候不加思索,随意发挥,而且风姿潇洒,娓娓动听,所以大家都很喜欢听他说话。 All he said was so free from effort and spontaneous and was said with such a captivating gaiety, that it was fascinating to hear him talk.
- 潇洒 pizazz
- 风姿 charm
- 潇洒的 cheesy
- 潇洒地 chicly
- 她风姿秀逸。 She moved with grace.
- 风姿绰约 (of a woman) be graceful
- 他穿着潇洒随便。 He dressed with easy negligence.
- 这条街保留了一些旧日的风姿。 The street had retained some of its old elegance.
- 他走路步态潇洒。 He walked with a free gait.
- 这位老海员水手风姿不减当年。 The old sailor still had a smack of sea about him.
- 此人神情潇洒。 The man looks natural and unaffected.
- 玛丽还年轻,正是风姿秀逸的时候。 Mary was still young and in the pride of her beauty.
- 变潇洒 smarten
- 埃思里奇个头很高,微微有些驼背,修养成一种林肯式的风姿。 Etheridge, who was tall, slightly stooped and cultivated a Lincolnesque image.
- 误把粗俗称作潇洒 to nickname rudeness ease
- 风姿翩翩 dapper in appearance
- 您不觉得我看上去很潇洒,而且很像一个地道的中国人吗? Don't you think that I look more smart and like typical Chinese?
- 风姿秀逸 have elegant bearing