- 礼 propriety
- 入住 be opened for occupancy
- 买入 buying
- 频频 repeatedly
- 登入 log in
- 有礼 politeness
- 放入 interpose
- 礼包 gift bag
- 接入 switch-in
- 吸入 to breathe in
- 好礼 to thoroughly like propriety
- 入股 become a shareholder
- 割礼 circumcision
- 计入 reckon in
- 四舍五入 round
- 顶礼膜拜 pay homage to
- 移入 naturalization
- 植入 embedded
- 她的无礼使我大为恼火。 Her rudeness really made me savage.
- 代入 substituting