- 勇士面前无险路。 No way is impo ible to courage.
- 领导者的八大勇气有勇,有谋,有远见。敢说,敢做,敢担当。做勇敢的创业者不惧挑战,勇士面前无险路。 Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Courageous Leader? Here are important questions to ask regarding courageous leadership, and how leading companies and management thinkers are answering them.
- 电路 circuit
- 险 rugged
- 上路 start off
- 回路 loop
- 通路 access
- 管路 pipeline
- 车险 auto insurance
- 问路 ask for directions
- 意外险 casualty insurance
- 大路 avenue
- 一切险 all risks
- 半路 midway
- 附加险 extraneous risks
- 链路 link
- 全险 fully comprehensive insurance
- 中路 mid-way
- 交强险 compulsory insurance for traffic accident of motor-drivenvehicle
- 西路 West Road