- 认为财富总能带来幸福是一种错误的见解。 It is a fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.
- 她叔父的思想陈旧保守。 Her uncle is antiquated in ideas.
- 他私下的见解和公开的谈话相矛盾。 His private opinions were incongruous with his public statements.
- 标题陈旧。 The heading is trite.
- 两种对立见解的调和 a reconciliation of opposite points of view
- 陈旧的口号。 shopworn slogans.
- 恐怕我们在政治问题上的见解不同。 I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the subject of politics.
- 口调陈旧 Denunciations are stale
- 他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。 Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources.
- 舆图陈旧 The map of the world is stale
- 他提出了一种新见解。 He put forward a new view.
- 学说陈旧 The theory is stale
- 见解不坚定 fickle in one's views
- 陈旧的笑话 stale joke
- 敏锐见解 A sagacious perception
- 陈旧的论点 a shopworn argument(= that is no longer new or useful)
- 她在电台演说,向全国发表她的见解。 She spoke on the radio, airing her views to the nation.
- 陈旧的新闻 stale new
- 我希望你能发表见解。 I would like you to expound.
- 陈旧的机器 outmoded machinery.