- 她镇定自如地给出了微妙的暗示。 She gave the delicate indication firmly.
- 在危险与困境中镇定自如 be cool amid dangers and difficulties
- 他在危险与困境中镇定自如 He is cool in difficulties
- 韦德在可怕的事故中镇定自如。 Wade did not lose his presence of mind during the terrible accident.
- 尽管他犯了罪,却还是那么镇定自如。 Although he's guilty of the crime, he sure is cool as a cucumber.
- 自如 freely
- 镇定 (adj) calm; unperturbed; cool
- 战马骠悍、雄壮、镇定自如,巍然挺立。 The horse appears brave, strong, placid and firm.
- 镇定的 unflappable
- 运用自如 have a masterly command of something
- 镇定剂 tranquillizer
- 应付自如 rise to the occasion
- 炮筒旋转自如。 The gun traverses smoothly.
- 镇定地 composedly
- 活动自如 move about freely
- 珍妮努力使自己镇定下来。 Jennie made a great effort to recover herself.
- 操纵自如 have an easy control in the matter
- 保持镇定! Keep your head!
- 他轻松自如地走到海伦身边坐下。 He waltzed across to Helen and sat down beside her.
- 保持镇定 keep a level head