- 销 to melt
- 兵 military
- 洗 to wash
- 水洗 bath
- 直销 direct marketing; door-to-door sale
- 洗发水 shampoo
- 苯甲 benzoylate
- 雇佣兵 lansquenet
- 摊销 amortize
- 意甲 Division A League Football Matches of Italy
- 洗碗 mop
- 二甲 lumichrome
- 洗面奶 face cream
- 佣兵 mercenary
- 销轴 pin roll
- 洗衣服 do the washing
- 甲酯 methyl ester
- 销的 pin
- 草木皆兵 be in a state of extreme nervousness
- 洗净 lotion