- 我必须量入而出。 I have to adjust my expenditures to my income.
- 常用 in common usage
- 面粉,砂糖和罂粟子量入盆里。加入柠檬皮屑。 Measure flour, sugar and poppy seeds into a large bowl. Grate in lemon rind.
- 量 to measure
- 数字舍入为下一个较小的整数。 Number to the next lower whole number.
- 可用 do
- 不用 need not
- 面粉,砂糖和罂粟子量入盆里。加入柠檬皮屑。 Measure flour, sugar and poppy seeds into a large bowl. Grate in lemon rind.
- 变量,它将会舍入为与其最接近的整数2。 Integer variable, it would be rounded to the nearest whole number, 2.
- 用法 usage
- 为难 make things difficult for
- 有用 useful
- 转化为 translate into
- 家用 home-use
- 入住 be opened for occupancy
- 以人为本 people oriented; people foremost
- 排量 delivery capacity
- 有为 yu-wei
- 买入 buying
- 用电 electro-