- 虎姑娘一向野调无腔惯了,今天头上脚下都打扮着,而且得装模作样的应酬客人,既为讨大家的称赞,也为在祥子面前露一手儿。 Tigress had always been willful and unrestrained. Today however, bedecked from top to toe, she had given herself airs as a hostess, not only to win the approval of the guests but also to impress Xiangzi.
- 野调无腔 coarse in speech and manner
- 无 none
- 一种连续可调无功补偿装置 One kind of continuously adjustable device of the nothing merit power compensation
- 一种自动可调无功补偿装置 A Kind of Automatic and Adjustable Reactive-load Compensation Equipment
- 无法 unable
- 野 limit
- 无超调无静差系统的最优控制 Optimum Control of No Over-shoot No Steady Error System
- 无标题 no title
- 回调 call-back
- 对调 swop
- 调质 slack quench
- 无需 dispense with
- 调酒师 bartender
- 无人 unmanned
- 调音 modulation
- 无格式 plain
- 调压器 booster
- 无主 dereliction
- 调好 mix up