- 污 smuttiness
- 鄙 low
- 脏污 sully
- 去污 decontamination
- 鄙汉 creeper
- 沾污 sully
- 鄙俚 philistine
- 污损 defile
- 鄙劣地 wretchedly
- 鄙劣者 twirp
- 防污 antifouling
- 鄙劣之人 twirp
- 血沾污了毯子。 Blood stained the blanket.
- 鄙夫 vulgar person; a mean fellow
- 鄙见 my humble opinion; my idea
- 污油 sump oil
- 鄙贱 mean and low
- 污的 muddy
- 芜鄙 confused and disorderly
- 污名 imputation