- 仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night's Dream
- 梦 to dream
- 爱之梦 Liebestraume
- 生命中没有任何东西能象进入充满活力的爱之梦那样甜美。 There's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream.
- 之後 afterwards
- 寻宝之梦 Dream for a Treasure Chest
- 禁园之梦 Dreaming of the Forbidden Garden
- 卢森堡之梦 A Dream in the Luxembourg
- 十字架之梦 Dream of the Rood
- 天空之梦 The Dream Of The Sky
- 五色土之梦 Dream of the Penta-color Soil
- 相思之梦 dream of yearning between lovers
- 青春之梦 dream of youth
- 巴黎之梦 "Parisian Dream"
- 木乃伊之梦 Chills in the Dead of Night
- 奇异之梦 strange dreams
- 文本之梦 textual dreams
- 寻觅自由灵魂的栖息地--谢朓的朝隐之梦与思乡情结 Seeking the habitat of disengaged spirit--XieTiao'dream of living between the court and the countryside and his emotional complex of longing for rural areas
- 我认为那些家伙无非是以翡翠之梦为借口,不想回我的电话。 I think the guys just use the Emerald Dream as an excuse to avoid calling me back.
- 奥林匹克之梦 Olympic Dream directed by Sven Harding