- 那你觉得什么价格合适? Then what's your idea of a good price?
- 那你觉得杰伦有什么变化? What kind of changes do you see in Jay?
- 好的,没问题。你觉得什么时候合适? Ron: Ok, sure. When did you have in mind?
- 那 which
- 安格尼兹:那你觉得这些像什么,葡萄吗? Agnes Lowzier(Sonia Darrin): What do those look like, grapefruit?
- 价格合适。 The price is right.
- 高先生,什么价格水平你大概认为可以做得开? Mr Gao,would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable?
- 他们想把股票在价格合适的时候出手。 They want to unload their shares at the right price.
- 上面列出的内容中你觉得什么最有用? The things in the list above, which do you think is the most useful?
- 当然了,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的全部产品。 We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.
- 许:那你觉得他是一个理想爱人的人选吗? Hui: Do you think he can be a candidate of being a good lover?
- 好的,您想要什么价格范围内的呢? OK,what price range do you have in mind?
- "他为人诚实。如果你认为他不是的话,那你就判断错了。" "He's honest, and you misjudge him if you think he isn't."
- 会不会觉得什么不方便的? Does that make any inconvenient moments?
- 我想到北京烤鸭店,你觉得合适吗? I thought of the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant. Would that suit you?
- 那你有这方面的经验吗? Do you have any experience?
- 这个菜你觉得怎么样? How do you find the dish?
- 那你今天都干什么了? So, what have you been doing today?
- 你要是指望他买酒请你喝,那你有得等了。 You'll have to wait until kingdom come for him to buy you a drink!
- 你觉得迈阿密怎么样? What do you think of Miami?