- 那些人排队干什么? What are those people standing in line for?
- 那些人排队为的是什么? What are the se people standing in queue for?
- 人们在那边排队干什么? Why are people lining up over there?
- 什么 what
- 那些 those
- 一小群人排队给客人送行。 A small crowd is lined up to see the guests off.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 除了她刚才去敲门叫唤的那些人之外,其余的人都来了。 Except for the persons she had gone to knock up, everyone was present.
- 许多人排队等着看那部电影。 Lots of people were queuing for the film.
- 你究竟在干什么? What ever are you doing?
- 那些人只会满口大话,要改变现状时他们便无能为力了。 Those people can huff and puff but they are powerless the way things are.
- 这天早上有4000多人排队欢迎归国侨胞。 More than4000people were lined up that morning to welcome their returning countrymen.
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 他杀害的那些人都是遭他疯狂枪杀的. His victims were all shot down in cold blood.
- 整整两天,上千人排队以便进入唯一的医疗帐篷并获取疟疾药物。 For two days, thousands of people lined up to get access to the only medical tent and its malaria medication.
- 明天你打算干什么? What do you plan to do this Friday?
- 那些人因为密谋反对政府而被投进监狱。 The men were imprisoned for intriguing against the government.
- 你毕业后想干什么? What do you want to do after graduation?
- 家庭收入少于维持生存最低收入的那些人究竟具有哪一些特点? What are the characteristics of the people who live in families with less than minimum-subsistence income?