- 祖母经常说在兵营方面前来救援之前不论什么人都会把我们连毛带皮地吃掉。 Grandmother had often said that anybody could eat us up hide and hair before help arrived from camp.
- 祖母经常说,在兵营方面前来救援之前,不论什么人都会把我们连毛带皮地吃掉。 Grandmother had often said that anybody could eat us up hide and hair before help arrived from camp.
- 连毛带皮 hide and hair
- 连毛的 lambskin
- 昨天他尿中又带血了。 He passed blood in his urine again yesterday.
- 他真是糊涂啊,连毛主席自己也没有说过。 It's totally muddle-headed and stupid. Not even Mao himself would say that.
- 医生:痰中带血表明很可能是结核病。我认为需要照一张胸片。 Doctor: Blood in the sputum strongly indicates tuberculosis. We must take a chest X-ray.
- 他开始有少量带血丝的痰。 He began to expectorate small amounts of blood-streaked sputum.
- 他验过血了。 He had a blood test.
- 拔毛 epilation
- 窄带 narrowband
- 索菲亚用一布块止住了血。 Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth.
- 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。 The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.
- 血沾污了毯子。 Blood stained the blanket.
- 带薪 retain one's original salary; continue drawing one's salary
- 她用硬毛刷清洗水槽。 She cleaned the sink with a stiff brush.
- 我连一线希望也没有了。 I was left without a ray of hope.
- 血喷溅到他的双手上。 The blood spouted over his hands.
- 这种布容易起毛。 This kind of cloth is easily roughed.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."