- 这个数据令你吃惊吗?也许你最近没看过这帮孩子必备品的价格标签吧。 Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves.
- 这个数据令你吃惊吗? Shocked at how much money kids spend?
- 这个 this
- 数据 data
- 你对自己发挥如此之好,感到吃惊吗? Do you ever surprise yourself at how well you play this game?
- 我有许多让你吃惊的消息。 I have a basketful of surprises for you.
- 数据处理 data processing
- 你不认为这消息很让人吃惊吗? Don't you think the news is surprising?
- 我没有这个数据,但我会找到的。 I don't have the figures, but I'll find out.
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 如果我的诉苦令你忧虑的话,我很抱歉。 I am sorry if I have distressed you with my complaint.
- "很抱歉在这个时候给你打电话。" "I am sorry to call you this time of the day."
- 从一个地方发送数据,在另一个地方接收这个数据。 To send data from one place and to receive the data at another place.
- 我认为多数人在这方面的观点是错的,听了这话有人感到吃惊吗? Would anyone be surprised to learn that I think most people have it ALL WRONG?
- 我们公司哪里最令你印象深刻 What impresses you most about our company
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 这个数据还原后的日志备份将捕获文件变为离线时的点。 This post-data-restore log backup captures the point at which the file was taken offline.
- 为你准备好一件令你吃惊的事情。 There is a surprise in store for you.
- 这个数据模型描述了一个相当简单的定制汽车服务的概念。 This data model describes a much-simplified notion of an order for automobile service.
- 我们想尽量令你的逗留愉快。 We want to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.