- 挂冠归里 retire
- 君主昏庸, 开国元勋们纷纷辞职归田。 The founding heroes resigned from office and returned home one after another because of the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler.
- 归里包堆 in all; altogether
- 君主昏庸,开国元勋们纷纷辞职归田。 The founding heroes resigned from office and returned home one after another because of the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler.
- 我的大学同学归里包堆也没有一半从事所学专业相关工作的。 Of all my classmates in college, less than half work in a field that is related to the subject we learned at college.
- 辞职 resign
- 百里香 thyme
- 巴里 Barrie
- 辞职书 resignation
- 辞职报告 resignation
- 内里 inwardly
- 七里香 daphne odera
- 辞职申请 resignation application
- 归巢 homing
- 头里 ahead
- 最简单的做法就是他立即辞职。 The simplest thing is for him to resign at once.
- 归路 return circuit
- 在角落里 in corners
- 递归的 recursive
- 西里 syli