- 光耀 brilliance
- 我看见他业绩优异,以他的光耀使我的名字辉煌。 I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his.
- 我们又赢得了辉煌的胜利。 We won another splendid victory.
- 白光耀斑 white light flare
- 公司的推销员多少年来都在歌颂公司的辉煌成就。 The company's salesman has been caroling its glories for many years.
- 光耀夺目 dazzling
- 光耀门庭 win honor and distinction for one's family; bring honor to the family name
- 一顿辉煌的晚餐,使客人们食欲大振。 The splendid dinner whet the appetite of the guest.
- 光耀恐怖 otaugiaphobia
- 这支球队赢得了辉煌胜利。 The team won a glorious victory.
- 光耀祖宗 reflect glory on one's ancestors
- 辉煌的战功 a brilliant achievement in war
- 光耀之地帝国 Empire of the Bright Lands
- 辉煌的胜利 a splendid victory
- 光耀恐怖症 photaugiaphobia
- 这是世界上最灿烂辉煌的艺术长廊。 This would be the most magnificent art corridor in the world.
- 李光耀率直和公正的评估了菲律宾的领导人。 Lee Kuan Yew is blunt and honest in his assessments of our leaders.
- 中国是一个幅员广阔,具有辉煌灿烂的文明史的独立主权国家。 Endowed with terra firma grandeur, China is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civilization in the world.
- 李光耀回信了。 Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew replies to Malaysian.
- 腕钏辉煌 A Bracelet is Brightly shining