- 可如此厚重而博大的历史,叫我如何能轻率下笔。 This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor.
- 下笔 begin to write or paint
- 他从不轻率地作决定。 He never made a decision lightly.
- 帮我捡一下笔吧。 Can you pick up the pen for me?
- 是什么使得约翰着手这样一个轻率的计划? Whatever made John embark on such a hairbrained scheme?
- 不知如何下笔 be at a loss as to how to begin writing or painting
- 吾信任轻率之傻子而猜疑律师。 I trust an indiscreet fool and suspect a lawyer.
- 他搁下笔。 He laid down his pen.
- 轻率的话 a thoughtless remark.
- 下笔信号 pen down signal
- 他非常懊悔自己轻率的举动 He lamented his thoughtless acts.
- 下笔成篇 write a composition in a stream; write like an angel; have literary a acumen
- 这个轻率的女孩常向陌生人透露秘密。 The indiscreet girl often revealed secrets to strangers.
- 下笔如神 write like an angel; write quickly and powerfully; write as if with a magic pen
- 你这样做乃轻率之举。 It's imprudent of you to have done such a thing.
- 下笔成章 have literary acumen
- 作出轻率的举动 commit an imprudence
- 下笔立就 write with ease and forthwith completed; write off
- 轻率的赌注 a wild wager
- 下笔书写或作画 Start to write or draw; start to set pen on paper