- 跌荡放言 speak at random; talk wildly
- 没有人生的跌荡起伏 Without the highs and the lows
- 让跌荡如流沙的映像 And make the image goes like drift sand
- 跌 to drop
- 放诞 wild in speech and behaviour
- 放诞不经 absurd fantastic
- 放诞风流 reckless and disspated in behavior and speech
- 放诞无礼 be guilty of a liberty
- 放诞不羁 dissolute in conduct; dissipated and unrestrained; reckless and disspated in behavior and speech
- 跌到 to fall
- 放诞:行为放纵,言语荒唐。 Wild and uninhibited in speech and behaviour.
- 大跌 slump
- 空荡 hollow
- 跌停 limit down
- "这些人个个皆敛声屏气,恭肃严整如此,这来者系谁,这样放诞无礼?" "The people here are so respectful and solemn, they all seem to be holding their breath. Who can this be, so boisterous and pert?"
- 波荡 surge
- 跌破 break
- 荡来荡去 swing up and down
- 跌宕 free and easy
- 摆荡 sweep