- 这句话引自《孟子·尽心上》,大意是说善于教人射箭的人,引满了弓,却不射出去,只摆着跃跃欲动的姿势。 This reference to archery is taken from Mencius.It describes how the expert teacher of archery draws his bow with a histrionic gesture but does not release the arrow.
- 自由临界水跃跃后水深的探讨 Water Depth after Critical Hydraulic Jump
- 捋袖欲动 roll up one's sleeves for action
- 水平矩形扩散水跃跃长的研究 Research on the Length of Level Expanding Rectangular Water Jump
- 她脚下的地面也是摇摇欲动的。 The earth beneath her feet was uneasy.
- 跃 to jump
- "荷衣欲动兮,听环佩之铿锵" "With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle."
- 自打那时起,英国媒体的这些跃跃试试的猛犬们就在等待复仇的时机,时机一到他们便狠狠地向马拉多纳咬去。 The bashing bulldogs of the British press have been waiting for revenge ever since, and they sunk their teeth into Maradona with relish
- 不动 motionless
- 跃迁 transition
- 跃层 spring layer
- 色欲 lust
- 脉动 pulsating movement
- 自打那时起,英国媒体的这些跃跃试试的猛犬们就在等待复仇的时机,时机一到他们便狠狠地向马拉多纳咬去。马拉多纳足球生涯中大半时间与毒品有染。 The bashing bulldogs of the British press have been waiting for revenge ever since,and they sunk their teeth into Maradona with relish. Maradona has been playing on drugs for most of his career.
- 纵欲 lechery
- 不动的 motionless
- 跃过 jump
- 占有欲的 possessive
- 点动 crawl
- "这首歌曲立刻风靡一时,它的录音带跃登畅销带榜首。" The song was a hit at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the bestseller list.