- 货仓 simbl
- 货 money
- 出货 shipment
- 货仓棚 freight house canopy
- 货到付款 cash on delivery (COD)
- 收货人 consignee
- 仓管 storekeeper
- 备货 stock up
- 料仓 storage hopper
- 到货 arrival
- 仓颉 Cang Jie [the inventor of Chinese characters in legend]
- 出仓 to take out of storage
- 货号 article No.
- 仓租 warehouse rent charges
- 换货 niffer
- 爆仓 wharf explosion
- 仓管员 warehouse keeper
- 拼箱货 less-than container load
- 有货 in stockit is available
- 筒仓 silo