- 一心专为人民谋福利 work for the people's interests heart and soul
- 这笔钱用来为穷人谋福利。 The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.
- 英国是一个独立国家,因此它的政策方针将以为它自己谋福利为唯一鹄的。 The Britons as an independent and separate nation would henceforth take their national interest as the sole guide of their policy.
- 为人民谋福利 work for the welfare of the people
- 谋 seek
- 这个政客想哄骗人们相信他是会为大众谋福利的。 This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public welfare.
- 以为公众大声疾呼者就是最急于为公众谋福利的人,其实是一个极其普遍的错误。 It is a general popular error to suppose the loud complain for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
- 政府将削减福利项目。 The government is going to trim welfare programs.
- 以为为公众大声疾呼者就是最急于为公众谋福利的人,其实是一个极其普遍的错误。 It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainer for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
- 她是一个社会福利工作者。 She is a social worker.
- 她为了穷人的福利而辛勤工作。 She works hard for the welfare of the poor.
- 与虎谋皮 ask a tiger for its skin
- 现在只有提出证据这种特权与社会福利直接有关,他才能得到。 He can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare.
- 谋生活 earn one's bread (or living)
- 把个人利益置于公众福利之后 postpone private gain to the public welfare
- 谋私利 have an eye to the main chance
- 福利人员 welfare officer
- 他因为新谋得这职位仍然感到兴奋。 He's still excited because of the newness of the position.
- 所有工会会员都应向福利基金会捐款。 All Union members should contribute to the Welfare Fund.
- 有勇无谋 foolhardy