- 谁要给约翰找把铲子? Who is going to find john a spade?
- 约翰要给谁找把铲子? Who is John going to find a spade for?
- 谁要给约翰弄来点饮料? Who is going to get John some drinks?
- 桌上有灰。去给我找把掸子来。 The table is dusty. Go and find a duster for me.
- 这把铲子是用铁做的。 This spade is made of iron.
- 她要给约翰做个饼。 She's going to make John a cake. She's going to make a cake for John.
- 谁要是常和范妮吵架,他就必然没有资格讲道。 The man, who could often quarrel with Fanny, must be beyond his reach of sermons.
- 这把铲子可以代替你丢的镐头吗? Will this shovel do for your pick you lost?
- 谁要冰激凌? Who wants an ice cream?
- 农夫的邻居们人手一把铲子,开始将泥土铲进枯井中。 They all grabbed shovels and began to scoop dirt into the well.
- 谁要去我就带谁去。 I'll take whoever wants to go.
- 陌生人假装要给她算个命。 The stranger pretended to offer to tell her fortune.
- 最有益于身心的赌博方式之一,是用一一把铲子和一包花籽来赌个输赢。 Of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds.
- 把这些票子给约翰,或凯茜,或随便谁。 Give these tickets to John, or Cathy, or whoever.
- 好的,下一位是谁?这些是谁要的橙子? OK. Who's next? Whose oranges are the se?
- 他问我要不要给行李保险。 He asked whether or not I wanted to insure my luggage.
- 只要给他一个桶子和一把铲子,他就高兴极了! Just give him a bucket and spade and he's in seventh heaven!
- 他对天发誓,要给他爸爸报仇。 He swore by Jupiter to avenge his father's death.
- 你们要给你们自己找些椅子开会用。 You must find yourselves some chairs for the meeting.
- 这突然使她想起,她说过要给他们打电话的。 That suddenly reminded her that she had promised to ring them up.