- 请问什么时间住? For what date?
- 对不起,请问什么是政务电报? Excuse me, what do you mean by a government telegram?
- 钱鼠大部分时间住在地下。 Moles stay underground most of the time.
- 请问什么时候走? Could I ask when to go?
- 什么时间入住? For what dates?
- 时间住图 time bitmap
- 请问什么使得你与众不同呢? Pray what makes you so remarkable?
- 除了紧急情况下什么时间打电话是比较适宜的呢?为什么? What's the right time to telephone someone except urgent things? Why?
- 请问什么国籍? What's the nationality, please?
- 她一年中有部分时间住在纽约。 She domiciled in New York part of the year.
- 请问什么是政务电报? What do you mean by a government telegram?
- 大部分时间住帐篷。阿里说。 On my journey, I am living in tent for most time, Arie says.
- 请问什么时候签合同? When can the contract be ready for signature?
- 安妮在血统上是法国人,但大部份时间住在意大利。 Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy.
- 请问什么时候会洗好? When'll they be ready? May I have some change for the machine?
- 我们什么时间到达目的地? At what time will we arrive at our destination?
- 每个学生在学期间有一部分时间住在市里的校外寄宿宿舍里。 Each student spends part of his university career living outside the college in lodgings in the town.
- 请问什么时候送来? What time will it be delivered?
- 我有一半时间住在牛津,一半时间住在巴黎,弄得我晕头转向. Living half the time in Oxford and half in Paris makes me feel quite schizophrenic.
- 你什么时间来都可以。 You may come anytime.