- 诘 scold
- 扬起 raises
- 那虎扬起头来。 The tiger reared its head.
- 这位国会议员擅长在公众集会上驳倒诘难者。 This congressman is clever at making scores off hecklers at public meetings.
- 家丑不可外扬 Do not wash your dirty linen in public
- 究诘 interrogate; cross-examine
- 卷扬 hoist
- 诘难 Blame
- 诘屈聱牙 Difficult to pronounce or comprehend
- 名扬 be famous in
- 诘责 censure; rebuke; denounce
- 她把头向上一扬。 She tossed her head.
- 驳诘 refuting and questioning
- 罗伯特正得意扬扬地看着我。 Robert was looking at me triumphantly.
- 维摩诘 Vimaiakirti
- 别因为赢了就扬扬得意! Stop gloating just because you won the game!
- 诘诛暴慢 To punish the rebellions
- 惩恶扬善 punish evil-doers and praise good-doers
- 维摩诘经 Vimalakirti sutra
- 大篷车过处扬起一团灰尘。 The wagon left a trail of dust.