- 讽刺挖苦的恭维话 a backhanded compliment
- 他施展讽刺挖苦的本领,猛烈挞伐了炼金术士。 With caustic wit, he made a fierce assault on the alchemists.
- 那些最尖刻的漫画往往是人们最真实的表达。如果我们崇尚言论自由,漫画家就必须有讽刺挖苦的权利。 The cartoon that is meanest is often the truest. If free speech is to flourish, cartoonists must have the right to be cruel.
- 讽刺 satire
- 讽刺的 ironical
- 挖苦 persiflage
- 讽刺地 spicily
- 挖苦的 sharp-fanged
- 他的诗带有讽刺性。 His poems participate of the nature of satire.
- 那是对我的挖苦。 That was meant to be a dig at me.
- 那部作品是对司法工作的讽刺。 That book is a satire on the administration of justice.
- 挖苦性的幽默 irreverent humor.
- 漫画通常用来取乐或讽刺。 Caricatures are usually done for amusement or satire.
- 那话是挖苦我的。 That was a dig at me.
- 他说话总带着一丝讽刺。 He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm.
- 爱挖苦 stinger
- 爱挖苦的 satirical
- 她很明显地是在讽刺什么人。 She was obviously digging at somebody.
- 充满挖苦的评语 a remark dripping with sarcasm
- 用模仿讽刺某作家 burlesque a writer