- 亡 to die
- 群论 group theory
- 国富论 the wealth of the nations
- 图论 graph theory
- 凋亡 Apoptosis
- 细胞凋亡 apoptosis
- 试论 try to make a comment
- 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。 Men and birds are fain of climbing high.
- 唇亡齿寒 interdependence of two neighbouring states
- 场论 field theory
- 如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。 The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.
- 不可知论 agnosticism
- 他说在梦中他看见了他亡妻的幽灵。 He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife.
- 论谈 talk
- 他为亡兄报了仇。 He revenged his dead brother.
- 论集 analects
- 她声称看到过亡夫的幽灵。 She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband.
- 社会契约论 social contract
- 孤儿是一个父母双亡的孩子。 An orphan is a child whose parents are both dead.
- 就而论 in the matter of