- 她以前也作过这样的许诺,但都不足信。
She'd made such promises before, and they lacked conviction/didn't carry much conviction.
- 他的许诺都是圈套和骗局。
All his promises were snares and delusions.
- 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬。
They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part.
- 他许诺的都是空话。
His promises were just so much meaningless talk.
- 他们公司的董事长每次许诺必然会遵守诺言。
The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it.
- 对于他的许诺我们全都不相信。
We all disbelieved what he promised.
- 这对情人互相许诺永不变心。
The lovers promised to be faithful forever.
- 政府许诺大幅减税。
The government promises to slash taxes.