- 议会决定废除那项法令。
The Congress decided to repeal the law.
- 议会解散了。
The parliament was dissolved.
- 议会是政府的一个机构。
Parliament is an organ of government.
- 保守党在议会获得了230个席位。
The Conservative Party won 230 seats in Parliament.
- 议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。
Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week.
- 他们在议会中互相吹捧。
They clawed each other in Parliament.
- 他们代表我们向议会表达我们的观点。
They were deputed to put our views to the assembly.
- 他在选举中失去了议会中的席位。
He lost his seat in the Parliament at the election.