- 我解除你的誓约。
I absolve you from your vows.
- 这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun.
- 他一旦宣了誓,他就一直忠贞不渝。
Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered.
- 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指挥官。
All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader.
- 他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。
They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.
- 他宣誓对国王效忠。
He took an oath of fealty to the king.
- 法官提醒那个证人她已经宣过誓了。
The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.
- 请跟着我宣誓。
Repeat the oath after me.