- 装 adornment
- 装的 assumed
- 重装 reshipment
- 装上 mount
- 难以理解的胡涂解释. a muddled explanation which was scarcely intelligible
- 上装 jacket
- (哎呀!)简直是一塌胡涂! What afearful mess!
- 孕妇装 maternity dress
- 我祖父已经老胡涂了。 My grandfather is in his second childhood.
- 装袋 bagging
- 我被十字路口那么多红灯弄胡涂了。 I was confused by the many stoplights at the intersection.
- 正装 formal dress
- 证人被反复诘问搞胡涂了。 The witness was demoralized by the cross-examination.
- 拆装 dismounting
- 可怜的老头儿,有点老胡涂了。 Poor old fellow, his mind is failing.
- 唐装 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit
- 我真胡涂, 竟会相信那种事。 It's most stupid of me to believe that.
- 情侣装 The Unisex Look
- 在选什么书读这第一道工序上,就不能犯胡涂。 This first working procedure that deciding what books to read, then can't be muddled.
- 装设 instalment