- 他把枪藏在衣袋里。
He hid the gun in his pocket.
- 把你的手从衣袋里拿出来。
Take your hands out of your pockets.
- 他把票放进衣袋里了。
He pocketed the tickets.
- 他走得很慢,两手插在衣袋里。
He walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets.
- 他把两手插入衣袋里。
He thrust his hands into his pockets.
- 他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。
The coins jingled in his pocket.
- 他把钱包和汽车钥匙放进了衣袋里。
He pocketed his wallet and car keys.
- 他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。
He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket.