- 蠕虫 worm
- 他看着蠕虫慢慢往前爬。 He watched the worm inch along.
- 泥土中有许多蠕虫。 There are a lot of worms in the soil.
- 以昆虫和蠕虫为食陆地生黄昏时或黎明前活动的马达加斯加鹞。 Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms.
- 蠕虫是很简单的生物。 Worms are very simple creatures.
- 扁蠕虫 platyhelminth
- 对小虫子或蠕虫产生病态恐惧。 a morbid fear of small insects and mites and worms.
- 扁蠕虫病 plathelmintiasis
- 蛀虫钻在木头里的蠕虫或昆虫幼虫 A worm or an insect larva that bores into wood.
- 蠕虫病毒 worm-type virus
- 沙属蠕虫 arenicolous worms.
- 1996年有两组科学家对转基因的螨虫和蠕虫做了野外试验。 In 1996,two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms.
- 胃蠕虫 Stomach worm
- 蚴蠕虫 larva
- 蠕虫芭 wormer
- 驱蠕虫 dehelminthization
- 蠕虫病 helminthiasis
- 蠕虫的 vermiculated
- 蠕虫类 Vermes
- 蠕虫瘤 helminthoma