- 她以为他每周只要挣50英镑,他们就可以结婚,但她是陶醉在虚无缥渺的乐境之中而已。 She thinks they can get married on his earnings of only fifty pounds a week but she's living in a fool's paradise.
- 他一生沈湎于追逐虚无缥渺的事物。 He spent his life chasing dreams.
- 随着时光的消逝,厄秀拉生命的源泉似乎渐趋枯竭,在虚无缥渺之中绝望渐浓。 As the day wore on, the life-blood seemed to ebb away from Ursula, and within the emptiness a heavy despair gathered.
- 整个世界象是黑荡荡一片虚无缥渺。 The whole world seemed to be black nothingness.
- 事到如今,我们怎么还能沉迷于虚无缥渺的和平希望之中呢? In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.
- 随着时光的消逝,厄秀拉生命的源泉似乎渐趋枯竭,在虚无缥渺之中绝望渐浓。 As the day wore on, the life-blood seemed to ebb away from Ursula, and within the emptiness a heavy despair gathered
- 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔! Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend.
- 虚无 nihility
- 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔! Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend.
- 虚无缥缈 entirely imaginary
- 虚无的 windy
- 我们的梦想没有完会破灭,只是变得虚幻缥渺了。 Our dream isn't dead. It has imploded.
- 我们的梦想没有完会破灭,只是变得虚幻缥渺了。 Our dream isnt't dead, It has imploded.
- 然而,在树林的缥渺影象逝去之前,突然那欢悦的晨光跃过峰峦和山谷。 Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley
- 宇宙闭锁为虚无。 Space closes up into nothingness.
- 虚无缥缈的事 a great lottery
- 呵,芳汀,您应当知道这一点:我,多罗米埃,我只是一种幻象,但是这位心思缥渺的黄发女郎,她并没有听见我说话! O Fantine, know this: I, Tholomyes, I am all illusion but she does not even hear me, that blond maid of chimeras!
- 呵,芳汀,您应当知道这一点:我,多罗米埃,我只是一种幻象,但是这位心思缥渺的黄发女郎,她并没有听见我说话! O Fantine, know this: I, Tholomyes, I am all illusion but she does not even hear me, that blond maid of Chimeras!
- 虚无妄想 nihilistic delusion
- 虚无党 Nihilists