- 退步 regress
- 落后于 trail
- 技术落后 lag in technology
- 落后地区 backward area
- 退步的 retrogressive
- 经济落后 backward in economy
- 更新基因的退步夸大了。 The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated.
- 落后国家 backward country
- 留个退步 leave some room for manoeuvre; leave some leeway
- 落后就要挨打 vulnerable to attack if lagging behind
- 退步跨虎 t`ui pu k`ua hu [stepping back to ride the tiger]
- 经济落后的国家 backward country
- 这就是所谓日本战争的退步性。 This is what we mean by the retrogressive nature of Japan's war.
- 那辆车跑了一半赛程就落后了。 The car dropped back halfway through the race.
- 社会性退步 social decrement
- 落后者 laggard
- 退步法 backward step
- 他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。 He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.
- 蛇退步 three-leaved pronephrium herb
- 贫穷落后 poor and backward; impoverished and backward