- 药到必灵 surely act after being taken (applied)
- 固色、柔软处理后的疵病回修与专用助剂应用 The defect repair after application of fixation and softening treatment and the application of the specialized auxiliaries
- 回 (a measure word for matters or actions) a time
- 光到病除--介绍光动力治疗 As the Light Took Effect, the Symptoms Vanished--Introduction of photodynamic therapy
- 送医送药到山寨 take medicine and medical service to mountain villages
- 回覆 responses
- 他一直到病重了才把烟戒掉。 He did not stop smoking until he was very ill.
- 药 medicine
- 回家 homeward
- 病 sickness
- 回应 responses
- 脚气药膏,不污染鞋袜,见效迅速,药到必灵。 The BeriBeri Salve has an immediate effect, never stains shoes and stocks, and acts as soon as it is used.
- 他被叫到病重的父亲的床边。 He has been called to the bedside of his sick father.
- 空回 backlash
- 用药 use medicine
- 一回 bout
- 这个担架是使到病患者没有容易移动或分开。 This flat break-away stretcher is easily separated without moving the patient.
- 药的 medicinal
- 回路 loop
- 颈椎病 cervical spondylosis