- 人心 popular feeling
- 鼓舞人心的 inspirer
- 激动人心 exciting
- 空荡 hollow
- 外腑 extra hollow organ
- 波荡 surge
- 腑会 influential point of fu-organs
- 荡来荡去 swing up and down
- 这位与布什拾挡竞选副总统的候选取人是个善于笼络人心的政客。 The candidate was a baby kisser when he ran for Vice President with Bush.
- 中腑 apoplexy involving the hollow organs
- 摆荡 sweep
- 阳腑 YANG FU-organs
- 动摇人心 sway the mind of men
- 芦苇荡 reed marshes
- 腑下 under-arm
- 人心安定了。 People are reassured.
- 她对他的微笑使他心荡神驰。 He was enraptured that she had smiled at him.
- 乘腑 FU-organ being invaded by pathogen
- 他鼓舞人心的发言使听众听入了神。 The audience was carried away by his inspiring speech.
- 在湖上荡舟 to scull on the lake