- 遗憾的是他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远。
Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.
- 承蒙足下推荐,我已获得这份工作。
I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.
- 这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效。
The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee.
- 我推荐一道蔬菜馅饼,它是这家餐馆的名菜。
I can recommend the vegetable pie - it's the specialty of the house.
- 我可以毫无保留地推荐他。
I can recommend him without qualification.
- 你能为我推荐一本好字典吗?
Can you recommend to me a good dictionary?
- 我由于一位朋友推荐而买了这本书。
I bought this magazine on the recommendation of a friend.
- 你推荐什么?
What do you recommend?