- 纸 paper
- 贴纸 paster
- 苕帚 broom
- 香酥苕饼 Fragrant crisp sweet potato cake
- 折纸 paper folding
- 紫花苕 medicago tiaoxi
- 卡纸 paperboard
- 南瑞苕 Nancy holl
- 碎纸机 kneader
- 光叶紫花苕 Vicia villosa
- 泡菜苕粉炒肉丝 Fried Pickled Vegetable with Sweet Potato and Shredded Pork
- 板纸 paperboard
- 标签纸 tagboard
- 紫花苕绿肥不同部位的营养价值研究 Nutrition Value of Different Parts for Hairy Vetch Green Manure
- 拷贝纸 second sheet
- 光叶紫花苕的营养价值与饲用价值研究 The study on the nutrition and feeding value of Smooth Vetch
- 白卡纸 ivory board
- 旱地麦-玉-苕轮作中钾肥效益定位研究 Study on the effects of potash application on wheat-maize-sweet potato rotation cropping system in fixed upland
- 卷纸 stock form
- 论历史上苕溪流域经济圈的形成与一般特征 Discourse upon the Formation of Drainage - area Economical Belt and the General Characteristics in History