- 他能否今天完成此事至关重大。 Whether we can finish it today matters much.
- 世界上有亿万贫民以农业为生,他们的福利问题至关重大。 At stake is the well-being of the hundreds of millions of very poor people in the world who depend on agriculture for their livelihood.
- 世界上有亿万贫民以农业为主,他们的健康问题是至关重大的。 At stake is the well-being of the hundreds of millions of very poor people in the world who depend on agriculture for their livehood.
- 它是如此的至关重大,因此你(必须)照顾好你的健康和幸福。 It is vital therefore that you look after your health and well-being.
- 这种说话的方式是纽特的一贯作风,甚至在一些同他本人关系至关重大的事情上也不例外。 The manner of speaking had always been Newt's style, even in matters that concerned him desperately.
- 因此,学生们在课余时间的活动是至关关重要的。 So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance.
- 事关重大,请你三思。 It's a matter of great importance. I would advise you to think carefully.
- 世界至关 Ideal world
- 发明轮子是世界历史上的重大事件。 The invention of the wheel was a milestone in the history of the world.
- 安全开关 safety switch
- 答应在9至15个月时间内给予贷款,远远不能解决我们目前的问题。 A promise of accommodation in nine to fifteen months' time does not go far to solve our present problem.
- 他们作了重大改变。 They made substantial changes.
- 经济衰退已至谷底。 The recession has bottomed out.
- 请关窗。 Shut the window, please.
- 历史证明,在每次重大的政治变革之后随之而来的往往是经济上的复兴。 History bears evidence that each momentous political change is usually followed by an economic revival.
- 四五十年前两家为继承财产发生纠葛结下的宿仇持续至今。 A dispute over an inheritance forty or fifty years ago led to a family feud which exists to this day.
- 本世纪初的一些重大事件为他的小说提供了背景。 The important events at the beginning of the century provided the backdrop for his novel.
- 根据你方要求,我公司已将你方货物投保至国境为止(包括海关/至目的地)。 According to your request, we have insured your shipment to the border( including customs/to the final destination).
- 鲍勃的一家和朋友们相信他无罪,所以开展活动反对把他关进监牢。 Bob's family and friends are campaigning against his imprisonment as they believe him to be not guilty.
- 凡要做出重大决定时,总统夫人总是不离左右,随时给他提出建议。 The president's wife was always at his elbow whenever an important decision had to be taken.