- 能跟我谈一会儿吗?爸, Could i speak to you for a second, Dad?
- 对不起,打扰你一下,我能跟你谈一会儿吗? I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment?
- 我能跟你谈一会儿吗? Can I speak with you for a minute?
- 你有没有时间跟我谈一会儿? Do you have time to talk to me for a minute?
- 你能跟我说说中国的节日吗?你今年春节怎麼过呢? Alice: Could you tell me some Chinese festival? What will you do this Spring Festival?
- 当然我已从书报中读到过关于这些成就的报道,而且许多访问过贵国的人也跟我谈起过。 I have of course read of the achievements and many visitors to your country have told me about them.
- 有什么地方我们可以去谈一会儿吗? Is there anywhere we could go and talk for a few minutes?
- “我明天不能跟你们一起去。"--“为什么不能呢?" "I can't go with you tomorrow." --- "Why not?"
- 谈判进展到什么阶段,我并不完全了解。你能把基本情况给我谈一下吗? I don't know precisely what stage negotiations have reached. Could you put me in the picture?
- 你能跟我比本事吗? Can you possibly compare with my endowments?
- 我很想再谈一会儿,但是我现在得走了。 I'd like to talk about this some more, but I have to be going now.
- 你从公司回家时,能顺便来呆一会儿吗? Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm?
- 别跟我谈这个。 Do not talk to me about that.
- 你要跟我谈些什么事? That will you like to talk to me about?
- "我很想停下来多谈一会儿,不过我今天很忙。" "I'd like to stop for a longer talk, but I'm rather pushed today."
- 你能跟我出来散散步吗? Can you come out with me for a walk ?
- 我很想停下来多谈一会儿,不过我今天很忙。 I'd like to stop for a longer talk, but I'm rather pushed today.
- 别跟我谈起那个家伙。 Don't talk to me about that fellow.
- 我能跟你一起去吗? Will you suffer me to go with you?
- 有什么地方我们可以去谈一会儿吗? Is there anywhere we could go and talk for a few minutes?