- 他胸襟坦荡。 He is broad-minded.
- 胸襟坦荡,才能无畏。 Keep conscience clear, then never fear.
- 上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能象他这样胸襟坦荡,心地清白。 The Colonel stared into vacancy, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of guile as he looked.
- 欧洲共同体的创始人让·英内是一位一往无前、胸襟坦荡、临危不惧的人物。 There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community, Jean Monnet.
- 上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能象他这样胸襟坦荡,心地清白。 The Colonel stared into vacancy, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of guile as he looked.
- 坦荡 magnanimous
- 胸襟 dicky
- 它们扰乱了我的坦荡心境。 They brush against my open spirit.
- 君子坦荡荡 A gentleman is open and poised
- 宽阔的胸襟 width of mind
- 心胸坦荡寿命长。 A light heart lives long.
- 胸襟开阔 broad minded
- 他心胸坦荡。 He is broad-minded.
- 对一些呆板的,胸襟狭小的人没有事情可以扰乱臭屁的信念。 Nothing disturbs the smug beliefs of some prim, narrow-minded people.
- 君子坦荡荡。 A gentleman is open and poised.
- 胸襟开阔的人 an expansive person
- 这是一条坦荡的大道。 This road is broad and level.
- 胸襟远大 breadth of mind
- 心胸坦荡生命长。 A light heart lives long.
- 新市长胸襟开阔,思想开明。 The new mayor is broad-minded and liberal about things.