- 宇 universe
- 胸针 brooch
- 文胸 brassiere
- 胸闷 chest distress
- 胸腺 thymus gland
- 前胸 prothorax
- 胸的 thoracic
- 宇称不守恒 parity violation
- 抹胸 undergarment covering the chest and abdomen
- C宇称 C parity
- 胸衣 corselet
- G宇称 G parity
- 隆胸 enlarge the bosom
- 宇下托庇 To take shelter under the eaves
- 器宇轩昂 dignified and distinguished-looking
- 胸牌 chest card
- 宇称 parity
- 胸毛 sternal seta
- 宇称守恒 parity conservation
- 胸花 corsage