- 他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。
His left arm was hurt in an accident.
- 我的一些朋友通过打网球锻炼他们胳膊的肌肉。
Some of my friends develop their arm muscles by playing tennis.
- 医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。
The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
- 我还不会游泳,但我用胳膊划了几下。
I can't swim yet, but I've made a few strokes with my arms.
- 护士给她的胳膊注射了青霉素。
The nurse injected penicillin into her arm.
- 她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上。
She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms.
- 我一定是让跳蚤咬了,胳膊很痒。
I must have been bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy.
- 她的两只胳膊麻痹。
She is paralysed in both arms.