- 伸肌一块伸展肢体或其它部份的肌肉
A muscle that extends a limb or other part.
- 胚部马或其他有关动物后肢膝关节和跗关节之间的部位
The part of the hind leg of a horse or related animal between the stifle and the hock.
- 附器,附肢与身体的轴或躯干相连的部位或器官,如胳膊、腿、尾或鳍
A part or an organ, such as an arm, a leg, a tail, or a fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body.
- 侵略者把俘虏的四肢砍掉,然後把残缺不全的躯体扔进沟里。
The invaders cut off their prisoners' arms and legs and threw their mutilated bodies into the ditch.