- 今天我要把节食计画置之脑後, 想吃什麽就吃什麽. I shall forget about dieting today. I'm just going to indulge, ie eat and drink what I like.
- 他一听音乐便把整个世界忘之脑後. When he listens to music he's lost to the world, ie unaware of what is happening around him.
- 置 to install
- 今天的新闻广播听後不久即置於脑後了。 Today's news goes into the ether and is soon forgotten.
- 钵中之脑 Brain in vat
- 脑 brain
- 内置 internal
- 之後 afterwards
- 脑後受到狠狠一击。 Get a clout across the back of the head.
- 重置 reset
- 不足之处 limitations
- 脑的 cerebric
- 置之不付 leave unpaid
- 落後 lag
- 置入 posting
- 随之 thereupon; therewith
- 前置 preposing
- 罗拉把头发盘在脑後。 Laura coil her hair at the back of her head.
- 不便之处 discomfort
- 脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage