- 维生素K_1对小儿心内直视手术围术期凝血机制的影响 Effect of Vitamin K_1 on Perioperative Blood Coagulation Factors During Open Heart Surgery in Children
- 迟发性维生素K缺乏 Delayed avitaminous of Vitamin K
- 晚发性维生素K缺乏 Late vitamin K deficiency
- 因发现维生素K而获得了1943年的诺贝尔奖。 He shared a 1943 Nobel Prize for the discovery of Vitamin K.
- 对氨甲基苯甲酸,维生素K,氢化考的松 para-aminomethyl benzoic acid, vitamin K, hydrocortisone
- K=1 K=1
- 维生素K vitamin(e) K
- K-1比赛 K-1 race
- 维生素K缺乏 vitamin K deficiency
- 复合维生素K vitamin(e) K complex
- 浆果中含有维生素C。 Berries contain vitamin C.
- M/G/1/K排队模型 M/G/1/K queuing model
- 这种维生素加了铁。 The vitamin is fortified with iron.
- 抗佝偻病的维生素 antirachitic vitamin
- Na-K-2Cl联合转运子1 NKCC1
- 这类面包中添加了维生素。 This type of bread has added vitamins.
- menadiol diacetate (维生素K4) 二氢萘醌二乙酸酯
- 鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模 Rumex K-1
- 杂交酸模K-1的耐盐性研究 Study on the Salt Tolerance of Rumex K-1
- 乳儿后天性维生素K依赖因子缺乏症(附10例报告) Acquired Vitamin K Depending Factor Deficient Diseases in Breast Fed Infants:Report of 10 Cases