- 绝子绝孙 die sonless
- 绝子,绝胎,绝生,绝产,断产,断子 sterilization
- 子 midnight
- 制造这些坑人的伪劣商品的人,真该让他们绝子绝孙! The people who made these harmful fake goods should be punished with no offspring.
- 孙 grandson
- 绝 cut short
- 帖子 post
- 断线 wire break
- 绝色 peerlessly beautiful
- 挂断电话 buzz off
- 绝代 peerless
- 剪断 shear
- 亲子 parent-offspring
- 拉断 snap
- 贴子 notice
- 绝佳 superexcellence
- 横断 transection
- 滚子 roller
- 绝杀 final hit
- 藕断丝连 (of lovers etc.) separated but still in each other's thoughts