- 结 knot
- 私营 private
- 结汇 surrender of exchange
- 结帐 to settle accounts
- 私营企业 privately-run enterprise
- 月结 monthly closing
- 党人 partizan
- 中国结 Chinese knot
- 民进党 Democratic Progressive Party
- 结清 settle
- 这个党的核心成员决定一切。 The hard core in the party make all the decisions.
- 私营部门 private sector
- 多党 multiparty
- 结点 crunode
- 党干部 party executive
- 私营公司 private corporation (or company)
- 一党专政 one-party system
- 索结 hitch
- 私营的 privately owned
- 办结 finish